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Nabol Hold Benden Weyr Fort Weyr

N'ton was a Wingleader at Benden Weyr late in the Eighth Interval and Weyrleader at Fort Weyr early in the Ninth Pass. His dragon was bronze Lioth.


Naton, who was the son of a tanner from Nabol Hold, was brought to Benden Weyr on one of F'lar's first Searches. At the hatching of Mnementh and Ramoth's first clutch, Naton impressed bronze hatchling, Lioth, after which he shortened his name to the honorific N'ton. Soon after, N'ton and Lioth were sent back in Time ten Turns to Southern Weyr, both to mature and to repopulate the drastically under-strength Weyr. Even as a weyrling, N'ton's potential as a rider was noticed.

When N'ton returned to the present Time, he became a respected wingleader at Benden Weyr. Following the Oldtimers' banishment to the Southern Continent, F'lar sent N'ton to Fort Weyr as a wingleader under acting Weyrleader P'zar. After F'lar became ill from going between while injured, Lessa chose N'ton to assist in a secret project involving Grubs. As a result of having had a glimpse of his own mortality due to his illness, F'lar approved of the measure. N'ton later theorized that the grubs were developed as ground crews to fight Thread. He used his father's rules in tanning leather as a comparison, stating that such traditions usually had important reasons behind them. When the Fort Weyr senior queen dragon, Weyrwoman Margatta's Luduth, rose to mate, Lioth flew her, making N'ton the new Weyrleader.

As Weyrleader, N'ton formed a friendly relationship with Lord Jaxom of Ruatha, and assisted the young Lord Holder in the raising and training of his white dragon Ruth. N'ton, like all the Weyrleaders, became very involved with AIVAS's project to end Thread. He eventually led one group of riders in placing an antimatter engine on the Red Star, which later caused the Red Star to be pushed into another orbit.

Some years later, after the Abominators attacked the Printercrafthall, N'ton was summoned to Wide Bay Hold. He, Jaxom, Pinch, and Tagetarl oversaw the trial of the conspirators, then sentenced them to exile. N'ton led the wing of riders that escorted the exiled to an unknown island, the precise location of which was known only to N'ton and Lioth.

Appearance and Personality[]

N'ton was referenced in several books as «the epitome of dragonriders», with broad shoulders, an easy manner, and slightly curly hair. N'ton's potential as a dragonrider was noted soon after he Impressed. Later, as a full-fledged rider, his ability to be, unobtrusively, exactly where he was needed, was well-regarded. F'lar later requested that N'ton be included in certain secret projects, believing that N'ton would be a good choice to carry on should something happen to F'lar.

