Pern Wiki

Landing Fort Hold

Emily Boll was the co-leader of the colonists, along with Admiral Paul Benden, and the former governor of the planet First Centauri.     


Emily was co-leader of the colonists along side Admiral Paul Benden during the fifteen year journey to Pern, and later during the initial crisis caused by Thread. She originated from Altair, and was the governor of  the planet First Centauri. She had also been governor of Tau Ceti. She had two adult children who didn't come with her to Pern. At some point Emily married Pierre de Courci. 

Emily was badly injured in a shuttle crash at Fort Hold during the Second Crossing but slowly recovered. She died shortly after the Second Crossing, during the Fever Year which claimed over three thousand lives. 

Southern Boll Hold is named for her.

Appearance and personality

Able to encourage folks.

