Pern Wiki

Ista Weyr

B'lon was a dragonrider at Ista Weyr late in the the Second Interval and early in the Third Pass. His dragon was brown Lareth. He was J'lantir's wingsecond.


After B'lon and Lareth flew as J'lantir's wingsecond at Ista Weyr for many long Turns, they transferred to Telgar Weyr with J'lantir.

After one threadfall day, a long thin line of blood showed on B'lon's leg where threadfall had eaten through it, but the score was not deep. His brown Lareth had been able to take them quickly between, where the Thread had frozen, shriveled, and cracked off.

When Telgar was forced to send riders back in time to fight threadfall, B'lon was one of the riders who saw their future deaths.

